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What Makes a Writer a Credible Expert?

Updated on February 18, 2021

It takes more than good grammar to write on We do not outsource our writing to third parties who lack domain knowledge in the dental insurance market. Instead, our main writers are vetted for:

  • Years of professional experience inside the insurance industry
  • Understanding of all the major dental benefit designs currently in the market from DPPO and DHMO plans to indemnity products and discount networks
  • Expertise around principal issues affecting benefits' value including provider networks, maximum annual benefits, waiting periods, and cost-sharing methodologies
  • Awareness of the major carriers in the dental insurance market as well as benefit design trends
  • Experience delivering presentations before industry stakeholders

Because of this criteria, we hope to offer you the best dental insurance articles on the internet. With these articles, you can evaluate dental plans confidently, leveraging the best insights of dental plan experts. Our editorial policy is to create content that is:

  • Written for a layperson without insider knowledge of industry practices and terms
  • Educational in order to facilitate critical thinking and improved decisions
  • Practical and useful rather than abstract

To learn more of our practices at, you can review our team as well as our Privacy Policy and our Terms and Conditions.

Need help choosing a plan? Call us at 800-296-3800

Our knowledgeable customer service team will assist you with any questions you may have prior to enrolling in a dental plan. They can guide you through the process of choosing coverage that matches your needs as well as your budget.

Dental Insurance